Opening the Transgender Conversation in the Asian Community | Finn Liu | TEDxSurrey

Описание к видео Opening the Transgender Conversation in the Asian Community | Finn Liu | TEDxSurrey

From cultural barriers to social stigmas, the door to open conversation for transgender
individuals are often left shut when it comes to identity. Especially within the Chinese community where silence becomes the wall barring acceptance, queer identities struggle to flourish openly.

From early childhood to his current teenage life, Finn Liu explores his personal journey of finding home in his identity as a transgender Chinese Canadian. In this compelling call to action, learn how acceptance of trans individuals within the Asian community starts with the power to communicate; crossing the bridge of divide starts with us. A student advocate for queer voices, Finn Liu stresses the calls to action that open doors to conversation of transgender issues in a community where they’re often let untouched.

Finn Liu is an openly transgender Chinese student who seeks to spread awareness of trans-identifying individuals within the Asian community. Experiencing fear and helplessness surrounding his gender identity while growing up, he recognized the lack of resources and stories shared by queer individuals of Asian descent. Since coming out at 14 years old, the internalized stigmas he has faced have only pushed him forward, becoming open to speaking for issues of marginalized intersectionalities who continue to be underrepresented in media. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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