RPG Maker 2003 - First Person Dungeon Crawler using only events

Описание к видео RPG Maker 2003 - First Person Dungeon Crawler using only events

I am trying to make a yume nikki like game and I had the idea of doing a shin megami tensei like world

It was a pain in the ass to make it work and there are somethings that I could improve, for example the way the "wall textures" are organised in the files, how I show them to the screen, the depth of field and so on

Want to make a dungeon crawler in RPG Maker? Do it on a more recent RPG Maker with some plugin/script, you really don't want to break your head trying to make event coding readable in 2K3 (at least I made easy to add a new wall type)

Also, doing math with events SUCKS SO HARD GOD DAMN IT

I am not the first in making things like that btw:
   • RPG Maker 2003 1.12 - First Person Du...  
  / im_experimenting_with_doing_a_first_person  


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