Planning on thru-hiking HIGHLANDER Velebit, Croatia - 2020

Описание к видео Planning on thru-hiking HIGHLANDER Velebit, Croatia - 2020

We're so excited to be ambassadors for the next Highlander Adventure!!
From September 12th to 17th, we will be thru-hiking a 105 km itinerary across the Velebit mountains in Croatia. Last year, when we crossed Europe on foot, we've been hiking 550 km in Croatia and definitely, the Velebit mountains are one of the most beautiful places of Croatia.
The adventure starts in the Northern Velebit National Park and goes until the sea through the canyon of the Paklenica National Park.

There are still some tickets available for this adventure, why don't you join us?! Or maybe the next ones in Greece, Austria, Serbia or Bosnia-and-Herzegovina :)

Subtitles available in English, French and Croatian.

▲ All footages are shot while hiking with minimum equipment.
Olympus Ambassadors, shooting with OMD EM1 MKII

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♣ Take up the 1KG FOR THE PLANET challenge ►

♫ If you are a musician looking for exposure, do not hesitate to send us your creations if you want us to use them in our videos ►Leave us a comment on the video

♪ Music Credits:

© Deux Pas Vers l'Autre


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