This is an English Audio Book for SST Class 10 Chapter 4 Geography (CBSE), Agriculture that has been read in under 25 minutes. As I read this chapter for you I would request you to please follow the chapter with your NCERT books and try to read along line by line, read every tabular illustration, graphs or any other graphical resource in the book. This will make your reading and learning process much easier and interesting.
My pronunciation of few words maybe different from yours owing to different regional pronunciation styles. Kindly ignore them. Do comment if there are any improvements that you would suggest.I will try to incorporate them in my upcoming videos.
Thank you, enjoy the audiobook!
Time slots
00:00 - Intrduction
00:46 - Types of Farming
01:11 - Primitive Subsistence Farming
03:52 - Intensive Subsistence Farming
04:30 - Commercial farming
06:05 - Cropping Pattern
08:20 - Major Crops
12:17 - Food Crops other than Grains
16:51 - Non Food Crops
18:45 - Technological and Institutional Reforms
21:23 - Bhoodan - Grampian
Agriculture - Chapter 4 Geography Audiobook , One Shot NCERT Chapter Reading Class10, Class 10 boards, SST, Preboard, Pre-board, exam time, geography class 10,
Contemporary India -II, Geography audiobooks, SST Text book for class 10, class 10 chapter 4, class 10 Geography chapter 4, class 10 NCERT, class 10 NCERT audiobook, class 10 Geography, class 10 Geography audiobook, CBSE class 10 Geography, Geography audiobook, chapter 4,
Chapter audiobook,
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Digraj Singh Rajput
Social School
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Geography class 10 audiobook,
Audiobooks in English,
CBSE audiobook,
NCERT audiobook,
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Geography audiobook
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