大吉祥天女咒(梵文)-5|Great Propitious Celestial Maid's Dharani(Sanskrit)-5|33 girls|❤️

Описание к видео 大吉祥天女咒(梵文)-5|Great Propitious Celestial Maid's Dharani(Sanskrit)-5|33 girls|❤️

❤️Namo Amitabha🙏
❤️Namo Amituofo🙏
❤️nam mô a di đà phật🙏
❤️นโม อมิตาภา🙏
❤️नमो अमिताभ🙏
❤️နမောဗုဒ္ဓ🙏Namo Buddha🙏


Mahāśrī Devī, also known as "Kumāra Devī," is one of the significant celestial deities specializing in bestowing wealth and auspiciousness, second only to the god of wealth. Although she appears in the form of a deva maiden, she possesses the realization of a first-stage Bodhisattva. She manifests as a celestial maiden to guide sentient beings.

The Mahāśrī Devī Mantra is one of the Ten Small Mantras included in the Morning and Evening Recitation Collection. This mantra originates from the Golden Light Sutra (Suvarṇaprabhāsottama-sūtra), where it is taught by Śrī Devī, also known as Mahāśrī Devī. Chanting this mantra is believed to help practitioners overcome various difficulties and progress swiftly toward achieving spiritual realization.

如是我聞。一時薄伽梵。在安樂世界。爾時。觀自在菩薩。來詣佛所。頭面禮佛足。退坐一面。爾時。大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩。亦往佛所。稽首佛足。退坐一面。爾時。世尊為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故。見吉祥天女。告觀自在菩薩言。若有莾芻苾芻尼近事男近事女。及彼一切有情之類。知此大吉祥天女十二名號。受持讀誦修習供養為他宣說。能除一切貧窮業障。獲得豐饒財寶富貴。 ……佛言。汝當善聽。今為汝說所謂「吉慶」、「吉祥」、「蓮華」、「嚴飾」、「有財」、「白」、「大名」、「大光曜」、「施食者」、「施飲者」、「寶光」、「大吉」是十二名號。汝當受持。 ……此大吉祥陀羅尼及十二名號。能除貧窮一切不祥。所有願求。皆得圓滿。若能晝夜三時唸此經。每時三次。或常受持不間斷。作饒益心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩。速獲一切財寶。豐樂吉祥。

The Merit of This Mantra:
For those who recite the Buddha’s name, repent, make vows, and dedicate merits, this mantra helps prevent their mind from being scattered, enabling them to quickly cultivate the Golden Radiance Samadhi, eliminate the "obstructions of affliction," "obstructions of karma," and "obstructions of retribution," and swiftly attain enlightenment.

Excerpt from The Buddha Speaks of the Twelve Names of the Great Auspicious Heavenly Lady Sutra:
Thus have I heard. At one time, the Bhagavān was in the Land of Bliss. At that time, Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva came to the Buddha, bowed at his feet, and withdrew to sit to one side. Then, the Great Auspicious Heavenly Lady Bodhisattva Mahāsattva also went to the Buddha, prostrated herself at his feet, and withdrew to sit to one side.

At that time, the World Honored One, wishing to benefit sentient beings who are unfortunate and impoverished, saw the Auspicious Heavenly Lady and said to Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva:
"If there are monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, and all sentient beings who know the twelve names of the Great Auspicious Heavenly Lady, uphold, recite, practice, make offerings, and teach them to others, they will be able to eliminate all poverty and karmic obstacles, gaining wealth, treasures, and prosperity."

The Buddha said:
"Listen carefully, I will now tell you. The twelve names are: Auspicious, Blessing, Lotus, Adornment, Wealthy, White, Famous, Radiant, Giver of Food, Giver of Drink, Treasure Light, and Great Auspicious. You should remember and uphold them."

The Great Auspicious Dhāraṇī and these twelve names can eliminate poverty and all inauspiciousness. All wishes and aspirations will be fulfilled. If one recites this sutra three times a day, day and night, or upholds it continuously without interruption, and sincerely makes offerings to the Great Auspicious Heavenly Lady Bodhisattva with a generous heart, they will quickly obtain all treasures, joy, and auspiciousness.


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