How Many Watermelons to grow per plant?

Описание к видео How Many Watermelons to grow per plant?

Time Code
00:00 Intro
01:00 Do you want many melons?
02:25 Large watermelons?
03:45 Growing Competition melons
04:30 Fertilizing like melon farmers
06:10 Pest fight secret

In this video I talk about how many watermelons to grow per plant. This question is a one that I get a lot. If they grower wants many melons then the answer I give is to let one melon per vine. This means if there are 5 vines then let the plant have 5 melons on the plant. The backyard farmer has the advantage to do this because they don't have large fields of watermelons. The melons will be smaller because it takes a lot of energy to produce this fruit. Now if the backyard grower wants to have larger melons they will need to prune the fruits or vines. I suggest going down to 2 melons per plant. I would let 2 vines carry 1 melon on each. The melons will definitely grow to a larger size. The last category is growing large melons for competition. These growers will grow one melon per plant. This will ensure that the melons grow to their max size. If backyard growers fertilize like farmers who grow large fields of melons, will not have to prune their melons.


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