Manikeshwari Matha ashirvachanam1

Описание к видео Manikeshwari Matha ashirvachanam1

Sri Sri Sri Mahayogini Manikeshwari Mathaji ashirvachanams,Sri Sri Sri Mahayogini Manikeshwari Matha also known as "Amma" is a woman saint whose diet is thin Air from last 76 years.Manikyamma as she was then usually called was born on Friday, a day sacred to Sri MahaLakshmi, at midday when the Sun was at its zenith bathing the whole world in joyful golden sunshine on Vyas Purnima(Guru Purnima) in Bhavanam Year-27th July 1934- in a poor Andhra Mutharasu family at Mallabad, a petty village in Sedam Taluka in Karnataka, India.Her Parents Buggappa and Asamma were poor but honest, illiterate but virtuous. Her birth at that hour on that most auspicious day - the Sun at its Zenith and the Moon beautiful and resplendent in its shodasa kala was very significant, indicating her future destiny as a torch bearer of the light of Yogic knowledge. She was born in a poor family and without the advantages of social status or education. Matha Main Teachings * Ahimsa paramo dharma. * Know yourself . * Do not eat any kind of meat(Do not kill any innocent animal. * Do not hurt anyone by words, thoughts or deeds. (ahimsa of mind and deeds) * Share your wealth for the welfare of poor. * Understand what influences you all the time and check your thoughts and behaviour due to such influences. * Stay in the company of satvik people. * Do not get into habits that will degenerate your mind and body. * Be extremely moderate with your needs. Live a life content with whatever you have. * Eat simple vegetarian food and do not oversleep. * Share food and provide funds for annadanam. * Submit yourself to the god with total reverence and surrender. * Keep meditation as a daily routine and do it with your whole heart and total submission. * You are born according to your deeds in past lives. Now you can do good for others and change your present circumstances. * Some persons are born saints, some practice to gain that stage, some aspire for it but cannot reach it in this life but their sadhana helps them towards their goal in their next life. * Do not indulge in gross sensual pleasures as it only leads into the cycle of birth-death-birth and sufferings of all kinds. * Preserve your body as god's gift. * When your emotions overpower you, check the root cause of that emotion. Do not react or act negatively. * Serve people, god, saints, poor, old and the world in the best of your capacities. Service gives great joy and contentment. It also gives love, reverence, beauty, happiness to both the giver & the receiver. * You are what you eat-in the form of food and through senses. So always eat food that has come from honest earnings, be in the company of honest & simple people. You will immediately know the evil thoughts arising in your mind and then resulting in deeds/actions if you have taken evil inputs through your senses or food. * Keep your own surroundings, your pooja room neat,clean and peaceful,always keep your spine straight in line with neck straight up with it. This is how you should maintain posture particularly for meditation. Yanagundi is location. Yanagodhi(Manikyagiri), Gurmitakal(Via), Sedam(Tla), Gulbarga(Dt), Karnataka(state)


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