西貢非遺傳承計劃 ─ 西貢麒麟舞 SAI KUNG KIRIN DANCE

Описание к видео 西貢非遺傳承計劃 ─ 西貢麒麟舞 SAI KUNG KIRIN DANCE

2014年,香港特區政府公布首份非物質文化遺產清單,舞麒麟分為本地、客家及海陸豐 / 鶴佬三個不同傳統;同年,西貢坑口傳統客家舞麒麟列入第四批國家級非物質文化遺產名錄。

In 2014, the HKSAR Government published its first list of intangible cultural heritage, which is divided into three different traditions: local, Hakka and Hailufeng, and in the same year, the traditional Hakka Dance Kirin in Sai Kung Hang Hau was included in the fourth batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.


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