Darwin and the Quran: Reply to Theory of Evolution

Описание к видео Darwin and the Quran: Reply to Theory of Evolution

In this video, we explore the mysteries of evolution and the creation of life. How do amino acids gain the data to form complex life? Can stem cells randomly decide their roles? Despite knowing the processes of evolution, why can’t humanity create a single live cell or species from scratch?
We dive deep into these questions and present the Quranic perspective on the theory of evolution, highlighting the surprising parallels with Darwin’s findings. Join us as we discuss science, faith, and the ultimate origin of life.

#atheismexplained #evolution, #creationoflife, #scienceandfaith, #QuranandScience, #DarwinTheory, #originoflife, #intelligentdesign, #stemcells, #Quranonevolution, #lifecreation, #speciescreation, #aminoacids, #creationvsevolution, #lifeoriginmysteries, #faithandscience, #creationism, #divinecreation, #theoryofevolution, #lifemysteries, #Qurantruth #astrophysics #atheistvstheist #cosmicdesign, ‪@EngineerMuhammadAliMirzaClips‬ ‪@JavedGhamidiOfficial‬ ‪@qaiserahmedraja‬ ‪@MrAdnanRashid‬ ‪@MuftiTariqMasoodSpeeches‬ ‪@MuhammadAlichannel‬ ‪@youthclubpk‬


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