Описание к видео PLAYING WITH EVER LOVING MOM🤣😂🤣❤️💓

Recognition and Social Interaction in Infants

1. **Recognition of People**:
**From Birth to 2 Months**: Infants start recognizing their parents' voices and faces, especially their mother's voice and face.
**By 2 to 3 Months**: Babies begin to smile in response to familiar faces, a social smile indicating they recognize and feel comforted by them.
**By 4 Months**: Babies can definitely recognize familiar people and may show excitement (like smiling, cooing, or waving arms) when they see them. They start to develop stronger attachments to these familiar faces, often showing more emotion when they see someone they recognize.

2. **Response to Familiar People (Like Someone Who Makes Them Laugh)**:
A 4-month-old baby will often respond positively to a person who frequently interacts with them, especially someone who tries to make them laugh or smile. The baby may smile, giggle, or make sounds when this person approaches or speaks. The baby’s face may light up, they might reach out with their hands, or they may track the person’s movement with their eyes.
Babies at this age remember faces that they see often and associate them with positive feelings, so they are likely to respond warmly to someone who regularly makes them happy.

Development of Speech-like Sounds (Babbling):

**From 4 to 6 Months**: Babies typically start making more complex sounds, like cooing, laughing, and beginning to babble. They might say sounds like "gaaaa," "geeee," and other vowel-consonant combinations. They are experimenting with their vocal cords and are starting to mimic the sounds they hear from people around them.

**6 to 9 Months**: Babbling becomes more pronounced, and they start to produce repeated syllables, like "bababa," "dadada," or "mamama." This stage is crucial for language development as they are practicing the sounds they will eventually use in speech.

**10 to 12 Months**: By now, babbling will often resemble speech patterns, with intonation and rhythm similar to the language they hear daily. Babies might also start saying their first words around this time.

During these months, they will continue to make these cute gestures and sounds, showing their developing communication skills and growing attachment to the people around them.


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