Weaving Linen (1940-1949)

Описание к видео Weaving Linen (1940-1949)

British Instructional Films presentation. M/S of large rotating wooden machinery which winds fibres. M/S of two women working at machine which prepares the weft yarn for the shuttle - both wear headscarfs. C/U of the rotating drums with large hanks wound around. C/U of the woman's hands as she changes a bobbin on the machine. C/U of the bobbin as the yarn is wound around it. C/U of full bobbins in a basket. M/S of the women at work. The warp is prepared. M/S of a woman in flowered overall linking thin threads to many bobbins. A winding machine draws the threads from the bobbins. C/U of a "reed." C/U of the loom beam with threads coming off it. C/U of woman drawing threads through with a small hook - "threading the heddles." M/S of a loom in operation. C/Us of various parts of the weaving process. Women at work. C/U of a "fern" being placed in the shuttle. C/Us of the machine in operation. M/S of the loom working. Animated diagram shows more clearly the processes involved in weaving. Animation shows how the warp goes over the weft with the aid of the heddles. The role of the shuttle and the reed are also shown.

Loom in operation is shown. Two men check newly woven linen for flaws. They turn the linen over, inspecting it. The linen is stored in bales. High angle shot of the stacked bales. Finishing processes are illustrated. Preshrinking and scalding are demonstrated. Linen is guided over rollers into a vat containing solution of caustic soda. C/U of the rollers which squeeze out the caustic soda. L/S of the rollers used in the scalding process. C/U of the hot liquid in the washing baths. The linen is lifted from a large pile by rollers. More rollers and vats are used to bleach and dye the linen. A man with a stick guides the linen into a folded pile. Linen washed again then fed into dye baths. C/Us of processes. Fabric now dried - cloth passes over steam rollers. Linen leaves rollers and is folded. It is now ready for ironing or "calendering". M/S of man at work feeding material through the ironing machine. The linen is fed off the machine and is again folded. The linen is passed between steel rollers under pressure. C/U of woman's hands as the fabric is folded. Woman works a machine which folds linen along its length. Machine folds the fabric. Yard lengths of linen are counted. M/S of lots of pieces of folded linen stacked up. Linen ready for despatch. C/U of label "All Pure Linen - Made in England." Camera pans across - extreme C/U of fabric.
FILM ID:2891.02


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British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website. https://www.britishpathe.com/


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