Complete translation of Illusion City for MSX Turbo-R by MSX Translations - Intro Demo

Описание к видео Complete translation of Illusion City for MSX Turbo-R by MSX Translations - Intro Demo

Complete Japanese to English translation of Illusion City for MSX Turbo-R by MSX.Translations (

Illusion City (c) Copyright 1991 MICROCABIN CORP.


232 (translation, research, beta testing)

Max Iwamoto (reverse engineering, coding, GFX, fonts, re-design, beta testing)


[ General ]

- Full translation of all the texts on all 8 disks (Intro, Main Game, and End Demo/Credits).
- Translated an alternative version of Illusion City where few scripts and map data are different from most common version (Disk 2 and Disk 8).
- Translation of manual for back story, more details and better translations of items, weapons, magics etc.
- Decompiled all 151 Event (EVT) scripts and 4 Scene (SCN) scripts with the ability to compile them back into the game.
- Re-created in-game compressor to be able to alter GFX and data and compress it back into the game.
- Created new special dual compression for the script files in order to fit them in the same space or less as the original game. All scripts unpacking as they print on the screen.
- Translated graphics where it was required.
- Dumped scripts from the PC98 version of the game to enrich MSX texts.
- Translation working on 256KB or 512KB Turbo-R as the original game.
- MIDI Music fully working for both Turbo-R 256KB (with MuPack) and 512KB.
- Added newer version 1.02 of ARMI.COM from MSX Fan 14 to the DISK 1 and translated it. You can play RCP midi files with it.
- Added a translated version of ARMI.DOC for ARMI.COM 1.02 to DISK 1.
- Fixed the issue when MIDI initialization would crash if the data buffer was not empty before loading the data.
- Many improvements to the game to remove some small flaws.

[ Intro ]

- Altered texts and graphics appearance to make it better for English texts.
- Added space to the "ILLUSION CITY" logo and re-synchronized with the lightning animation.
- Added English text to the game logo (similar to the game box art).
- Fixed hotel name GFX from "Horizn" to "Horizon" on the billboard.
- Added palette pulsing to the title screen.
- Created a variety of fonts for all intro screens.
- Added black contour for the texts that overlap pictures.

[ Main Game ]

- Completely re-wrote in-game print subroutines with support of new lowercase variable width font.
- Moved all printing from characters to pixel-based.
- Added ability to auto-center texts, shift texts, and more.
- Added automatic color changing to characters' names during text conversations.
- Added multi-color texts during battles.
- Speed up print by eliminating VRAM buffer. Text printing directly from RAM to screen.
- Optimized and improved menu bar code (line drawing) and visual appearance.
- Adjusted in-game windows to accommodate bigger English texts.
- Adjusted dimensions of menus to fit English texts nicely.
- Added ability to the game to automatically select window size based on the amount of text to be printed (for menu selection window).
- Added ability to store longer names of items/weapons/magic/etc.
- Fixed Scene (SCN) script on disks 5/6/7. Added events texts that were missing.
- Created a new way of displaying magics in menus.
- Improved texts on menu buttons of the main game screen.
- Extended size of the battle menu to fit bigger texts and menu options.
- Re-coded magic menu to have one menu line instead of three. This is done to fit full English magic names.
- Added gender-correct messages when he/she cannot use magic.
- Translated original in-game [debug menu].
- Fixed major issue with magic when you can use "disabled" (blue) magics during Boss fight.
- Corrected the bullet type for the Thompson submachine gun so it uses the same bullets as in real life.
- Text delay during battles and other optimizations to improve readability and playability

[ End Demo | Credits ]

- Completely re-wrote End Demo and Credits print subroutines with the support of three new fonts.
- Re-synchronized End Demo for the English texts to match animations and music.
- Added English text to the game logo (similar to the game box art).
- Additional research on the game staff to add full names to the Credits.


DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is work-in-progress. The final release may look slightly different.


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