Belt Buckle - Making It Yourself

Описание к видео Belt Buckle - Making It Yourself

In this video I make a belt buckle from scratch for my 5 year old son to wear on “Go Texan” day. Once a year the rodeo comes to Houston Texas and around that time all the area schools designate a “Go Texan” day where the kids dress up in their best cowboy gear. This tradition dates back to the 1950s, there is usually a program at school were the kids perform different Texas songs and back in my day we even had to learn to Square dance. It’s a celebration of Texas history and the cowboy lifestyle of days gone by.
Well as a part of my son’s cowboy gear I decided to make him a big belt buckle. A buddy of mine gave me some pieces of scrap steel which I used as the main part of the buckle. This is the first time I ever tried to weld anything, so bare that in mind when you see my welds. I actually had to re-do the weld as the first time around it just didn’t hold and simply snapped off. I re-grouped and gave it another go using a different technique and while they sure weren’t pretty welds they did hold. It took a lot of grinding and filing to clean them up but in the end they will work especially since you can’t see them on the back of the buckle. I used a $3 thrift store belt for the leather and attached the buckle using a needle and waxed thread. There are many flaws with this buckle but since my son will only be wearing for one day out of the year I can live with them. I hope you like the video and as always thank you for watching. Also I really liked the idea of posting a video on February 29th.

The 1st song is: Fringed Trim Boots by Bird Creek
The 2nd song is: Hooky with Sloane by Bird Creek
The 3rd song is: Cross the Road by Silent Partner


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