KMINA: The world's first painfree and stylish crutches

Описание к видео KMINA: The world's first painfree and stylish crutches

KMINA is the next generation of CRUTCHES, a product that has barely changed in the last 4.000 years. If you have ever used standard crutches or know someone that has, you know just how painful they are.

Having experienced several injuries myself, I also suffered using crutches. This is how I came up with a new solution that will meet people’s needs. Shortly after, I went to see Doctor Jaime Usabiaga.

Then, my idea was patented. After long nights, many prototypes, and many tests with real users, we created the world's first PAINFREE, STYLISH, and AFFORDABLE crutches; KMINA crutches.

Let’s take a closer look and see what makes KMINA so special:

KMINA crutches have two main features: a tilted forearm support that allows you to distribute your weight between your hands and forearms, and a shock absorbing system that allows you to reduce pressure.

We have also added a neoprene fastening strap so that you feel COMFORTABLE and SAFE. You can easily exchange, wash, and even personalize the forearm padding to be sexier with the colour that suits you best. When you need to free your hands to open a door or use the phone, simply rotate the handle. KMINA crutches are adjustable to perfectly fit your height and the length of your forearms. Finally, moving down to the tip of the crutch, we have introduced a flexible and wide tip so that you feel even more COMFORTABLE and SAFE.

With your help, we will be able to begin the production of KMINA crutches and hit the market in early 2017. You can be our backer by purchasing crutches for yourself or your relatives, or by donating to someone in need.

Remember, with KMINA, you will never walk alone again!

“KMINA, caminamos contigo”

#KMINA #caminamoscontigo #muletas #seguridad #comodidad #innovación #innovation #crutches #youwillneverwalkalone #design #painfree #stylish #affordable #mobility #comfortable #safe


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