JTVA Stages Flash Mob Opera

Описание к видео JTVA Stages Flash Mob Opera

JTVA’s operatic flash mob took downtown Oakland by storm on Tuesday. The cast of 39 singers--”planted” at side tables drinking coffee, as passersby, or even as a homeless man with a tin cup--suddenly broke into a rousing rendition of “Votre Toast” from Carmen, otherwise known as the Toreador Song, generating applause and cheers

The three professional baritones featured in the leading roles stood on the lip of Oakland City Center Plaza’s central fountain to sing while the choristers gathered around according to a pre-rehearsed choreography.

“It was a big undertaking,” said James Toland, listing sound and other permits secured from the city prior to the performance, as well as the hiring of audio and video production teams. The leads were recorded using microphones, and the accompanying music was broadcast from speakers. The entire event was video recorded. A staff of five--including stage, technical, and chorus managers--created and planned the event.

James said the flash mob was part of JTVA’s outreach mission. “We want to promote singing everywhere and to everyone,” he said.

At first, the lunchtime crowd reacted with puzzled looks, then broke into happy smiles as the three talented toreadors launched into song. The first, Christian Pursell, an SF Opera Adler fellow--walked through the crowd singing before arriving at the fountain to join Efrain Solis and Eric Heatley. Many listeners held their cell phones high, recording the event.

James said the event was underwritten by an anonymous donor who made the public performance possible.


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