Webinar 1: Revenue Generation for Protected and Conserved Areas – Carbon Credits

Описание к видео Webinar 1: Revenue Generation for Protected and Conserved Areas – Carbon Credits

Revenue generation in Protected and Conserved Areas is critical for long-term sustainability of conservation goals. Innovative approaches to sustainable financing represent opportunities to scale-up conservation work, benefit communities, and convince policy makers of the rationale for area-based conservation.

IUCN's webinar series on Revenue Generation for Protected and Conserved Areas explores an array of approaches from diverse global contexts. Focusing on lessons learned, successes and replicability, the series aims to promote dialogue and knowledge exchange for conservation practitioners.

In this first webinar of the series, join us as we explore Carbon Credit solutions from Switzerland, Guyana and Tanzania.

Learn more at www.iucngreenlist.org / www.act30.org / www.facebook.com/IUCNProtectedAreas


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