San Francisco Rush 2049: Special Edition (Arcade) | Random Races #1

Описание к видео San Francisco Rush 2049: Special Edition (Arcade) | Random Races #1

It's the 2003 arcade release of San Francisco Rush 2049 Special Edition which is basically the same thing as Tournament Edition which included the cars and the two extra tracks [Dawn (Mission) and Dusk (Presidio)] just without the "Midway Tournament Network" feature.

There is a slight difference in the in-race HUD compared the 1999 version. Primarily in number and letter fonts when it comes to the checkpoint timer numbers in the upper right part of the HUD, the street names seen in the lower left part of the screen, and the lap count on the track map.

These font changes are also noticable in Attract mode with the Fast Times player/track names along with the "Freeplay!" display area centered at the bottom portion of the screen, the "Game Over" screen tips, and the selection screen directions.

The only downside with Rush 2049 SE is that you have to re-enter your PIN whenever you continue playing after each race. I do know that the 1999 version of Rush 2049 allowed the player to continue playing as their respective Team Rush profile without re-entering the PIN number.

You'll hear the sound of my PIN number multiple times in this first Random Races video of San Francisco Rush 2049 Special Edition played and recorded in MAME 0.261 with an Xbox One controller. Prepare to see a lot of crashes in this video, I'm so used to playing the console versions of Rush 2049 that I have to remember the arcade physics and handling are different than the console ports.


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