አንተ ለኔ መልካም ነህ/Ante lene melkam neh/Asfaw Melese/Rehoboth Grace Ethio. Evan. Church Boston, MA

Описание к видео አንተ ለኔ መልካም ነህ/Ante lene melkam neh/Asfaw Melese/Rehoboth Grace Ethio. Evan. Church Boston, MA

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Our Story
Rehoboth Grace Ethiopian Evangelical Church is a community of faith rooted in the love of God. We believe worship is not just found in prayer, it's something expressed in everything we do. Our philosophy is deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures, life's only guidebook. Come and join us to experience God's grace for yourself. There's a special place for you at our church in Malden.

Our Calling
At Rehoboth Grace Ethiopian Evangelical church, we pursue the Glory of God through worship, ministry, giving and education. We strive to connect with Jesus Christ and to each other, in order to magnify His name. At the heart of everything we do is the understanding that we must love God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind.
pastor daniel amdemicael
ዳንኤል አምደሚካኤል
ዘማሪ ዳንኤል
pastor daniel
ትልቅ ነህ
protestant song
የእኔ ወዳጅ
ኢየሱስ ነዉ ዘማሪ ዳኒ
ሰላም ይሰማኛል
አይገርምም ወይ
ዘማሪ ዳኒ
ethiopian gospel song
evangelical song
ሞኝነት ሆኖ አይደለም
በእርሱ ላይ ጣልኩና
daniel amdemichael mezmure
ሁሉ ባንተ ነው


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