A Drop In The Ocean. £1000 £2 rare coin hunt 72 book 1

Описание к видео A Drop In The Ocean. £1000 £2 rare coin hunt 72 book 1

Welcome back to the channel for another coin hunt!

Today it's the 9th April 2024 and we're hunting through £1000 of £2 coins. So what are we looking for?

We'd particularly like to find commemorative designs which we haven't seen in our previous hunts so we can put them in the book. The outstanding designs are:
2002 - Commonwealth Games England*

We're interested in commemoratives which we've found before but are above face value (*), and if we find any they'll be kept in the wider collection. The full list of circulating commemoratives is:
1999 - Rugby World Cup
2001 - Marconi
2002 - Commonwealth Games England *
2002 - Commonwealth Games Northern Ireland *
2002 - Commonwealth Games Scotland *
2002 - Commonwealth Games Wales *
2003 - DNA
2004 - Trevithick
2005 - End Of WWII
2005 - Gunpowder Plot
2006 - Brunel - portrait
2006 - Brunel - achievements
2007 - Act of Union
2007 - Abolition of the Slave Trade
2008 - 1908 Olympic Games *
2008 - Olympic Games Handover - Beijing *
2009 - Charles Darwin *
2009 - Robert Burns *
2010 - Florence Nightingale
2011 - King James Bible *
2011 - Mary Rose *
2012 - Olympic Games Handover - Rio *
2012 - Charles Dickens
2013 - London Underground - The Train *
2013 - London Underground - The Roundel *
2013 - Guinea *
2014 - WWI Outbreak
2014 - Trinity House *
2015 - Magna Carta *
2015 - WWI Navy *
2016 - WWI Army
2016 - Great Fire of London *
2016 - Shakespeare - Histories
2016 - Shakespeare - Tragedies
2016 - Shakespeare - Comedies

Sadly no new £2 commemorative designs have been circulated since 2016.

Very occasionally, we might even be lucky enough to find an NIFC ("Not Intended For Circulation"). A full list of designs and circulating mintage figures can be found using the links in the bottom section.

We're generally interested in definitive designs which are either of low mintage or shouldn't be in our change. Technology is the definitive design from 1997 to 2015. Britannia was the definitive design from 2015 to 2022. In 2023, a new national flowers design replaced Britannia.

For Technology, very good condition 1999's are worth more than face value because this design wasn't included in the annual sets.

For Britannia, 2015 and 2016 are low minted years, while 2017-20 are NIFC years. 2021 is a higher minted year but so far we haven't found any in our change. At some point we expect to start seeing 2022 Britannias as well.

We have not yet heard when any National Flowers £2's will be entering circulation.

What Else?
Errors, territory coins, and any oddities we spot through the hunt!

Some Useful £2 Links -
Royal Mint Circulating £2 Mintage Figures:

Royal Mint £2 Design And Specifications:

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