Five of the Best Nonfiction Books of All Time That Read Like Fiction

Описание к видео Five of the Best Nonfiction Books of All Time That Read Like Fiction

There are a lot of great history books out there, but there are some that are among the best nonfiction books that are so well written that they read like they sprang from the most fertile imaginations. For instance, the movie Air Force One tells us the unplausible story of a president of the United States fist fighting terrorists. That's crazy but fun. But did you know there was a president of the United States who went on a death-defying expedition into the heart of the uncharted Amazonian Rain Forrest? And nearly died?

Today, we're going to cover 5 books that are not only nonfiction, but they're written in such a refreshing, dynamic way that you could swear you're reading a novel. Please join the conversation!


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