John G. Lake Sermon: "Not Try But Trust"

Описание к видео John G. Lake Sermon: "Not Try But Trust"

If you are struggling in receiving healing, this sermon by John G. Lake will help you. If you don't have time to listen to the entire reading, please go to the last 10 minutes. I quote:
"Let God have you. Quit sweating, quit wrestling. About the most difficult class in the world to get healed is the Christian Scientist. Why? Because they work at it so hard. You have to lead them away from it all to that place where, "It is not TRY but TRUST". That is the secret of Christ's salvation; that is the secret of Christ's healing. It is not trying to get healed. It is trusting Him for it, and believing Him when He says He will do it, and the mind relaxes and the soul comes to rest." Listen to hear the rest of this quote at the end of the audio.

If you need healing today, receive. Then take that posture: Jesus IS healing me NOW. I AM receiving. If you will make that your inward attitude and go through to the completion of it, you will see your healing totally manifested.


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