Gems for Strings from Planet Bantockia (Road Music No. 8)

Описание к видео Gems for Strings from Planet Bantockia (Road Music No. 8)

Straight of Granville, the capital city of Bantockia, come two magnificent works for string orchestra by the planet's favorite son, Bantock himself. The Serenade for Strings and Scenes from the Scottish Highlands are splendid works, expertly written, tuneful and melodically surprising. Christopher Wilson's Suite for Strings is less interesting, but certainly charming. and if you're going to be on the road for 76 minutes or so, you will find this disc (technically called British Music for Strings II) irresistible. It's splendidly conducted by Douglas Bostock and passionately played by the Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim. Bantockia rules! Take that, Baxia!
Musical Examples courtesy of CPO Records


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