David Sammartino vs Ron Shaw (The Phantom Submission Match)

Описание к видео David Sammartino vs Ron Shaw (The Phantom Submission Match)

This is the infamous "Phantom Submission Match" from November 1985 at the Philadelphia Spectrum. The story goes that David was booked to win (which would make sense as Shaw was a prelim guy), but he was fed up with the lack of push he was getting from the WWF and wanted to leave (get fired) in a blaze of glory. When Shaw grabbed him in a bear hug, he submitted so loudly & adamantly that there was no way to cover it and the referee was forced to award the match to Shaw. The ref and Shaw didn't know what was going on afterwards and Shaw gets legit pissed when he realized that David "worked" him. Shaw then kicked and spit on him before leaving the ring. Gorilla Monsoon is also left not knowing what to say and tried his best to cover up David's "shoot", but fails miserably. Very interesting video.


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