Web Unification: Optimizing Your Access to NASA Earth Science Data

Описание к видео Web Unification: Optimizing Your Access to NASA Earth Science Data

The Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) Program has managed the full life cycle of NASA Earth science data since 1994. As technology has evolved, so too has the management of these data. We are constantly introducing new ways to improve how we handle data while also responding to new policies. This is the genesis of the Web Unification Project.

In response to requirements outlined in the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act, NASA launched the Web Modernization project to consolidate all of the agency's websites (there are thousands) into nasa.gov or science.nasa.gov. ESDS followed suit and launched the Web Unification Project in December 2021 to migrate all ESDS-funded web properties to earthdata.nasa.gov by the end of 2026.

This webinar focuses on updates that will take place on the public facing Earthdata website in October 2024. Webinar highlights include a preview of the new website prototype, background on which websites are consolidating into Earthdata and a review of the timeline for this work, and information about where to get help in finding what you are looking for during this transition.

Presentation Slide Deck: https://go.nasa.gov/4elPaOm

0:00 Introduction/Logistics
02:20 Speaker Introduction
04:20 Background Information: Web Unification
09:17 What is Web Unification?
10:56 What Websites will Migrate & When
19:01 Demo: Data User Pathway
21:20 Data Catalog
22:17 Dataset Landing Page
23:56 How to Access Earthdata Forum
24:23 Using the Find Data Cards
24:58 Data Alerts and Outages Module
25:34 Platforms Pathway
26:21 Platforms
28:23 Instruments
29:26 Geodesy: Techniques
29:38 Data Tools
31:35 Find Data and Information by Topic
33:28 Topics Glossary
34:58 Learning Resources
37:03 Centers
40:48 Question-and-Answer Period


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