Proper Engine Trim with the Sharrow Propeller™

Описание к видео Proper Engine Trim with the Sharrow Propeller™

One of the greatest benefits of the Sharrow Propeller is the extended trim range.

With a standard propeller, there is a limit to how much trim you can use before the boat begins to “porpoise”, bounce, or lose performance.

However, when using a Sharrow Propeller, that threshold is much higher, which allows you to utilize more engine trim to lift the bow of the boat, reduce more friction, and achieve more fuel economy.

You will find that at most RPM levels and under most conditions, you can expect to utilize double the amount of engine trim as you would with your standard prop.

Be sure to experiment with different trim settings than you are used to to achieve maximum fuel economy with the Sharrow Propeller.

And remember, you can typically apply about double the trim level to a Sharrow propeller before the boat begins to porpoise or the propeller begins to ventilate.


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