Some of My Old Friends - A Tribute to Stephen J. Cannell

Описание к видео Some of My Old Friends - A Tribute to Stephen J. Cannell

This Fannish Music Video was produced for, and premiered at, the MediaWest*Con 31 convention over the Memorial Day weekend in 2011. This is a tribute to the series produced by Stephen J. Cannell, and includes the logos of all but one of his dramatic/action series. The song, "Some of My Old Friends", is performed by Joey Scarbury, and a shortened version appeared in an episode of the Cannell series, The Greatest American Hero. I own no rights to any of the included series and/or music. No profits are derived from this production. It was created, shown and distributed only as a labor of love and respect for Stephen J. Cannell, my television idol for over 30 years.


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