Van Morrison"Summertime in England"(live)

Описание к видео Van Morrison"Summertime in England"(live)

Van Morrison has cited Common One as his favourite of his own albums
The album was recorded over a nine-day period , near Nice, on the French Riviera. Its title comes from a section of the song "Summertime in England", where Morrison sings the lyrics "Oh, my common one with the coat so old and the light in her head".
Morrison originally wrote the song as a poem about William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge making a literary trip to the Lake District in England where they worked together on the poems that were to become their landmark joint venture, Lyrical Ballads. Morrison has been quoted as saying, "['Summertime in England'] was actually part of a poem I was writing, and the poem and the song sorta merged... I'd read several articles about this particular group of poets who were writing about this particular thing, which I couldn't find in the framework I was in."
The lyrics also refer to Jesus walking down by Avalon — an allusion by William Blake with the lines: "And did these feet in ancient time/Walk upon England's mountain green?"
The lyrics verge between several layers of consciousness but always return to the central occurrence of a holiday in the country that the singer spent.
“He sat beside me pleasantly and played his sweet music to me, and in the end he foretold things that put drunkenness on my wits.”
― Augusta Gregory, Gods and Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan and the Fianna of Ireland (Goodreads)

Van Morrison ha citado a Common One como favorito de sus propios álbumes
El álbum fue grabado durante un período de nueve días , cerca de Niza, en la Riviera francesa.
Su título proviene de una sección de la canción " Summertime in England ", donde Morrison canta la letra "Oh, mi común con el abrigo tan viejo y la luz en su cabeza".
Morrison originalmente escribió la canción como un poema sobre William Wordsworth y Samuel Taylor Coleridge haciendo un viaje literario al Distrito de los Lagos en Inglaterra, donde trabajaron juntos en los poemas que se convertirían en su empresa conjunta, Lyrical Ballads . Se ha citado a Morrison diciendo: "['El verano en Inglaterra'] era en realidad parte de un poema que estaba escribiendo, y el poema y la canción se fusionaron ... Leí varios artículos sobre este grupo particular de poetas que fueron escribiendo sobre esta cosa en particular, que no pude encontrar en el marco en el que estaba ".

La letra también se refiere a Jesús caminando por Avalon , una alusión de William Blake con las La letra raya entre varias capas de conciencia pero siempre regresa a la ocurrencia central de unas vacaciones en el país que el cantante pasó líneas: "¿Y estos pies en la antigüedad / Caminaron sobre la montaña verde de Inglaterra?"
"Se sentó a mi lado agradablemente y me tocó su dulce música, y al final predijo cosas que pusieron mi embriaguez en mi ingenio".
Augusta Gregory, Gods and Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan and the Fianna of Ireland


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