Airtel India - Port Forwarding Blockade: Unresolved Customer Complaint

Описание к видео Airtel India - Port Forwarding Blockade: Unresolved Customer Complaint

Hey, everyone! 👋🏽 It's with immense disappointment that I'm sharing this video about the ongoing issue I've been facing with @airtelindia's internet service. For weeks, I've been struggling with a blocked port forwarding on my modem, affecting my online activities and productivity.

Despite countless complaints, @airtelindia has failed to provide any resolution. They even refused to replace my modem, acknowledging the problem lies on their end. The lack of accountability and empathy for loyal customers is truly disheartening.

As one of their executives requested, I've recorded the issue to provide concrete evidence of the port forwarding blockade. I believe it's crucial to share this experience with others, as many of you might have faced or are facing similar challenges with internet service providers.

I'm not just sharing this video to vent my frustration, but also to call out for better customer service and reliability in the telecom industry. We deserve better treatment as customers who have trusted @airtelindia for their services.

If you've had similar experiences or have any suggestions on how to address this issue, please share your thoughts in the comments below. Let's stand together and demand a better service for all of us.

I'm seriously considering switching to a more reliable provider, and I hope this video serves as a wakeup call for @airtelindia to prioritize their customers' satisfaction.

Thank you for your support! 🙏🏽 Let's spread the word and make a positive change together. #AirtelIndia #PoorService #BlockedPortForwarding #CustomerExperience #InternetIssues #TelecomTroubles


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