#01 Growing Mushrooms at Home | 自己在家種香菇 (CC)

Описание к видео #01 Growing Mushrooms at Home | 自己在家種香菇 (CC)

Hi everyone, ChickChick here!

Sharing my journey with Takeshi the shitake log and some simple info with you. Growing mushrooms at home is quite simple and easy. It only took a week to harvest and the shitake log will last around 2-3 years with care.

Hope everyone's journey with their mushroom logs will be just as fun!

Little tips:
1. Shitake requires indirect sunlight and a normal day to night cycle for healthy growth.

2. Mushrooms grow best between the temperature of 12°C - 18°C (54°F - 64°F)

3. Mushrooms need a good air circulation and fresh air at all times to grow. Lack of air might cause stringy mushrooms or no mushrooms.

4. Remember to cut off any remaining stems after harvesting or pick them out, while trying not to damage the log. This will help to prevent rotting.




1. 香菇需要非直射陽光,也要能感受一天白天夜晚的亮度變化才能長得健康。
2. 最適合香菇生長的溫度是攝氏12度C到18度C(華氏54度F到64度F)
3. 香菇需要乾淨的空氣、生長的環境需要良好的通風。通風不好的話會長出健康不良的香菇或是長不出香菇。
4. 採收時記得把香菇的莖切掉或摘掉,同時注意不要傷到香菇箘棒。這樣才可以預防腐爛。


🎈Song : Daystar - Celery in a carrot field /    • ✨샛별 - 당근 밭의 셀러리✨(Royalty Free Music)  


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