周杰伦 Jay Chou慢歌精选40首合集 - 陪你一个慵懒的下午 - Top 40 Video Songs of the Most Popular Chinese Singer

Описание к видео 周杰伦 Jay Chou慢歌精选40首合集 - 陪你一个慵懒的下午 - Top 40 Video Songs of the Most Popular Chinese Singer

周杰伦 Jay Chou慢歌精选40首合集 - 陪你一个慵懒的下午 - Top 40 Video Songs of the Most Popular Chinese Singer
你可以訂閱自己喜歡的頻道,觀賞該頻道推出的更多內容 - https://bit.ly/3EjYG5S

0:00:00 告白氣球 Love Confession
0:03:29 不該 Shouldn't Be
0:08:12 算什麼男人 What Kind of Man
0:12:52 聽見下雨的聲音 Rhythm of the Rain
0:17:23 明明就 Ming Ming Jiu
0:21:38 說好不哭 Won't Cry
0:25:23 等你下課 Waiting For You
0:29:47 一路向北 All the Way North
0:34:38 晴天 Sunny Day
0:39:54 最偉大的作品 Greatest Works of Art
0:44:53 不愛我就拉倒 If You Don't Love Me, It's Fine
0:48:58 夜曲 Nocturne
0:52:42 手寫的從前 Handwritten Past
0:57:33 楓 Maple Leaf
1:02:04 青花瓷 Blue and White Porcelain
1:05:57 七里香 Qi-Li-Xiang
1:10:50 擱淺 Step Aside
1:15:10 菊花台 Chrysanthemum Terrace
1:20:02 愛情廢柴 Failure at love
1:24:35 給我一首歌的時間 Give me the time of a song
1:28:44 聽媽媽的話 Listen to Mom
1:33:04 Mojito Mojito
1:36:07 髮如雪 Hair Like Snow
1:41:03 稻香 Rice Field
1:44:38 聽爸爸的話 Listen to Dad
1:49:00 紅塵客棧 Hong-Chen-Ke-Zhan
1:53:28 大笨鐘 Big Ben
1:57:24 珊瑚海 Coral Sea
2:01:33 手語 Sign Language
2:06:26 傻笑 Smile
2:11:10 愛你沒差 Love you, no matter what
2:15:46 公公偏頭痛 Eunuch with a Headache
2:18:50 Mine Mine Mine Mine
2:23:11 煙花易冷 Fade Away
2:27:27 半島鐵盒 Peninsula Ironbox
2:32:41 愛在西元前 Love before BC
2:36:32 還在流浪 Still Wandering
2:40:55 紅顏如霜 Cold Hearted
2:45:05 怎麼了 What's Wrong
2:48:52 我是如此相信 I Truly Believe


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