他隱居雨林20年,只為尋一杯好茶 He lived in seclusion in the rainforest for 20 years, just for a good cup of tea

Описание к видео 他隱居雨林20年,只為尋一杯好茶 He lived in seclusion in the rainforest for 20 years, just for a good cup of tea

在雲南西雙版納,有一位茶人,早年間他舉家搬遷五千公里,隱居雨林二十年,只為尋一杯好普洱茶。 二十年裡,他以做茶為樂,以製茶為趣每日在茶山上尋找最好的原料,萎凋、炒製、殺青、揉捻、曬乾,每一個步驟都力求最好。 他說,「我們不只是一個做茶的人而已,而是有著美學追求和精神追求,要嘛不選,要選就做一輩子」。

In Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, there is a tea expert who moved here from 5,000 kilometers away and have lived in seclusion in the rainforest for 20 years in search of a good cup of Pu'er tea. For twenty years, he has been making tea for pleasure, looking for the best raw materials on the tea mountain every day. Withering, stir-frying, killing green, rolling leaves, further drying, he strives for the best at every step. He said, "We are not just a tea maker. We have aesthetic and spiritual pursuits. You either don’t do it, or you be devoted to what you have chosen for a lifetime."

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