Road to 500 Days - Part 26: Forsaken Airfield

Описание к видео Road to 500 Days - Part 26: Forsaken Airfield

Finally, after a very long journey, it is time to enter Forsaken Airfield. A vast, open area - the design deceives you into a fall sense of security. Beware.

For the giveaway, join my Discord and post in the giveaway channel.
Discord:   / discord  

Art Director:

Zak's Patreon:
  / zaknafein  

Patreon supporters:
Flare: Aaron Steele, AJ Ginalick, Amir Anwar, Bryan Hennes, Chris Rybowski, cjr9aber, Christian Rommel, Doggxs, Doug, Eric, Hatchet Jack, HandsOn KeyboardandMouse, Kunawl, Jacob Hoertkorn, JLannon, Joanne Cheesman, Matt W, Nimitz, Pam Lange, Sarah Parker-Shemilt, SuperCorn, Unkle_Silky
Wood Matches: Christopher Tomsett, D.H. Dunn, Dan Campbell, Nikita Shelimov, Oliver Chadwick, SA Harian, Sirenusvex-Devlin, TwoFatCatz
Cardboard Matches: BriCreative, Christian Sonnenberg, Ember Schryver, Janne Keller, Joseph Conn, Kat McKenzie, Lupineways, Princess Jade, Rob T, Scott Haggs, Sierra B Hillmeyer, Sofia Blomquist, Ted Shepherd

Twitch:   / stylezaknafein  
I stream rarely, so notifications are recommended

Discord:   / discord  
Feel free to join my discord for updates, help and friendly chat.

Intro Music:
"Road to 500 Days"
Property of Zaknafein
Performed by Alvaro Quisbert
See his channel here:

Artwork by Pixelated Peach


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