Love Me to Death

Описание к видео Love Me to Death

maybe i'll be a philosopher
only then i'll learn how to read your mind
trade my eyes for a style more popular
maybe then you'll be something i can find

i'd take you away from here
you'd teach me how to be someone

i want to read you like a poet
want to play you like a song
don't know how i ever wrote it
don't know how to need you more
if you'd close the space between us
i would sleep inside your chest
in the play between your lungs
and i'd know you
love me to death

cut me open, sew me shut
sing my songs and call me off
you're the prodigy i could never be
take your hand up off the wheel
i can't look at you, i feel too much
to say you're what i want

i'll take you away from here
i see it now, you stand your ground
your hand upon my mouth while
you say

i want to read you like a poet
want to play you like a song
don't know how i ever wrote it
don't know how to want you more
if you'd close the space between us
i would sleep inside your chest
in the play between your lungs
and i know you
love me to death

i hope you can't tell
i'm waiting all alone, the party's over
through the crowd, i want you to tell me
everyone else has left now
take me home through all the sound
everyone else has left now
take me on and take me out
everyone else has left now
take me with you when you drown


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