Tom Quayle & Martin Miller Duo - Between You and Me (M. Miller)

Описание к видео Tom Quayle & Martin Miller Duo - Between You and Me (M. Miller)

I'm so unbelievably happy to present you this collaboration video with none other than Mr. Martin Miller. We're playing a duo rendition of Martin's beautiful composition "Between You and Me".

We are organizing a concert and clinic tour for you guys at the moment, featuring duo music such as this, something that hasn't been heard in jazz fusion for quite some time. We have a great musical chemistry going, but in order to make this happen we need your help. Watch this space and we'll announce details soon. We're planning to go to the UK first, south europe after.

IF THIS INTERESTS YOU PLEASE LET US AND EVERYONE ELSE KNOW THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA! Otherwise it can't be done, let's do it for the sake of guitar playing and music :)

If you want to help out get in touch via PM. Cheers and enjoy the music!


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