Disave Dulu ...4 Ide Aneka Menu Nasi Box ....Siapa Tahu Kapan-kapan Butuh

Описание к видео Disave Dulu ...4 Ide Aneka Menu Nasi Box ....Siapa Tahu Kapan-kapan Butuh

for 40 pax


3 kg sawi putih (6,5 lbs of napa cabbage)
1 kg wortel (2 lbs of carrot)
100 gr kapri (4 oz of capri peas)

bumbu halus: (blended ingredients)
1 sdm lada (1 tbsp of pepper)
10 btr kemiri (10 candlenuts)
1 ibu jari jahe (a dice of ginger)
2 sdm udang kering (2 tbsp of dried shrimp)
5 siung bawang merah (5 bulbs of shallot)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)

2 bh bawang bombai (2 onions)
18 siung bawang putih iris (18 cloves of garlic, sliced)
3 sdt garam (3 tsp of salt)
2 sdt gula (2 tsp of sugar)
2 sdt kaldu bubuk (2 tsp of stock powder)
2 sdm saos tiram (2 tbsp of oyster sauce)
200 CC air (a cup of water)
2 bt daun bawang (2 stalks of scallion)

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resep rica solo 👇




600 gr cabai campur (24 oz of mixed chili)
300 gr tomat (12 oz of tomato)
18 siung bawang merah (18 bulbs of shallot)
6 siung bawang putih (6 cloves of garlic)
2 sdt garam (2 tsp of salt)
1 sdt MSG (1 tsp of MSG)
2 ibu jari gula merah (2 tbsp of palm sugar)
200 ml minyak (a cup of oil)
1 sdt kaldu bubuk (1 tsp of stock powder)
3 genggam daun kemangi (3 handfuls of lime basil)

for 40 pax

5 kg ayam (11 lbs of chicken)
10 sdt garam (10 tsp of salt)
5 siung bawang putih (5 cloves of garlic)
1 bh jeruk nipis/lemon (a lemon)
25 btr kemiri (25 candlenuts)
25 siung bawang putih (25 cloves of garlic)
25 siung bawang merah (25 bulbs of shallot)
5 ibu jari jahe (3 oz of ginger)
5 ruas jari kunyit (2 oz of turmeric)
10 sdt lada (10 tsp of pepper)
35 bh cabai merah (35 pods of red chili)
10 sdm kecap manis (10 tbsp of sweet soy sauce)
5 ibu jari gula merah (5 tbsp of palm sugar)
5 sdt kaldu bubuk (5 tsp of stock powder)
2 sdt lada bubuk (2 tsp of ground pepper)
2 bh bawang bombai (2 onions)
5 ibu jari lengkuas (3 oz of galangal)
5 bt sereh (5 stalks of lemongrass)
5 lbr daun salam (5 Indonesian bayleaves)
15 lbr daun jeruk (15 keffir lime leaves)
200 ml minyak (a cup of oil)


250 gr jamur tiram (10 oz of oyster mushroom)
15 bh cabai merah (15 pods of red chili)
1 bh tomat (a tomato)
3 siung bawang putih (4 cloves of garlic)
3 sdm minyak (3 tbsp of oil)
1 sdt kaldu bubuk (1 tsp of stock powder)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp of salt)
1/4 sdt MSG (1/4 tsp of MSG)
1 sdt gula (1 tsp of sugar)
2 bt daun bawang (2 stalks of scallion)
1 genggam daun kemangi (a handful of lime basil)

5 porsi nasi putih (5 portions of rice)
daun untuk membungkus (banana leaves for wrap)


#nasikuning (yellow rice)
1,5 liter beras (6,5 cups of rice)
1 liter air (4 cups of water)
1/2 liter santan kental (2 cups of coconut milk)
1,5 sdm garam (1,5 tsp of salt)
2 sdt kunyit bubuk (2 tsp of turmeric powder)
15 lbr daun salam (15 Indonesian bayleaves)
3 bt sereh (3 stalks of lemongrass)
7 lbr daun jeruk (7 keffir lime leaves)
1 jari kayu manis (1 tsp of cinnamon)
2 sdm bawang merah goreng (2 tbsp of fried shallot)

#keringtempe (caramel tempeh)
1 kg tempe (2 lbs of tempeh)
7 sdm Kecap manis (7 tbsp of sweet soy sauce)
7 sdm saos sambel (7 tbsp of chili sauce)
1 sdt kaldu bubuk (1 tsp of stock powder)
1/2 sdt lada bubuk (1/2 tsp of ground pepper)
5 siung bawang putih goreng (5 cloves of garlic, fried)

#telurdadar (omellete)
6 btr telur (6 eggs)
1/4 sdt garam (1/4 tsp of salt)

#tumiscabai (sauteed chili)
11 bh cabai merah (11 pods of red chili)
3 siung bawang putih (3 cloves of garlic)
1/4 sdt kaldu bubuk (1/4 tsp of stock powder)

5 bh timun (5 cucumbers)


#sambel (sambel)
500 gr cabai (1 lb of chili)
1 kg tomat (2 lbs of tomato)
250 gr bawang merah (1/2 lb of shallot)
200 ml minyak (a cup of oil)
2 sdt kaldu bubuk (2 tsp of stock powder)
2 sdt garam (2 tsp of salt)
1 sdm gula (1 tbsp of sugar)
2 sdm kecap manis (2 tbsp of sweet soy
7 lbr daun jeruk iris (7 keffir lime leaves, sliced)

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