Описание к видео SALAM YA MAHDI INDONESIA MENANTI | سلام يا مهدي إندونيسي | SALAM FARMANDEH | YALALWATHON |313

Salam Ya Mahdi Versi Cinta Tanah Air dan Menjunjung tinggi nilai berbedaan agama, suku ras, dan budaya. Imam Mahdi Adalah Harapan Akhir zaman untuk semua kaum tertindas, dan beliau adalah satrio piningit. semoga Beliau Mendoakan indonesia selalu jaya, mulya. Dengan Barokah dan syafaat Kakek Beliau Nabi Muhammad Saw, beliau adalah cucu terakhir yang Allah janjikan untuk kaum yang lemah dan tertindas. Indonesia yang berjuang melawan penjajahan, diproklamirkan oleh Bapak Ir. Soekarno, semoga kemerdekaan itu selalu langgeng sampai akhir masa dengan doa satrio Piningit. Beliaulah Al mahdi.


Salam ya Mahdi [translated]

Ya maulana ya shohibaz zaman alghous alghous alghous adrikni
Dear our best protector, dear the owner of the era, dear the helper, help me

Dear my life .. oh my guide of era
Dear my longing ... oh my guide of era
Dear my heart ... oh my guide of era
Dear my soul

The zeal of my life, I won't stop and forever wait for you
Oh the beloved one, Al-Mahdi 2x

Peace be upon you oh Mahdi, that break no promises
Peace be upon you oh Mahdi, the savior whom we all wait for
Peace be upon you oh Mahdi

This world feels empty without you, expecting your presence
We wait for you, and we always will
My call is Labbaika sayyidi (I fulfill your call oh my lord) ya mahdi labbaik (oh Mahdi we fulfill you)

Loving homeland is inseparable part
from the meaning of love and waiting for your existence
Al-Mahdi, he is Satrio paningit, the Saviour
We are the oppressed ones oh Mahdi help me, oh Mahdi help me

Albeit different, we ... Pancasila the unifier of our souls
Albeit different, we ... Bhineka tunggal ika is our motto
Albeit different, we ... for us, NKRI is never negotiable

Labbaika ya mahdi (I fulfill your call oh Mahdi) for us to love nation is a part of our faith
Labbaika ya mahdi (I fulfill your call oh Mahdi) gemahripah lohjinawi (prosperity) may envelope this country
Labbaika ya mahdi (I fulfill your call oh Mahdi) Indonesia will be glorious as we wish

Peace be upon you oh Mahdi, that break no promises
Peace be upon you oh Mahdi, the savior whom we all wait for
Peace be upon you oh Mahdi

Our promises ... won't ever fade
Our vows ... to defend country
Our hope ... unite the souls unite the wish, dear the owner of the era

Indonesia, oh Imam, please bless it
Glorious in noble, oh Imam, wish for it
to the end of time

This wish won't ever vanish to always love you dear my protector
Oh Mahdi the grandchild of Muhammad, accept our salam, my protector

Peace be upon you oh Mahdi, that break no promises
Peace be upon you oh Mahdi, the savior whom we all wait for
Peace be upon you oh Mahdi

Peace be upon you oh Mahdi, Peace be upon you oh Mahdi


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