GATES OF THE ARCTIC: Hiking to the Arrigetch Peaks

Описание к видео GATES OF THE ARCTIC: Hiking to the Arrigetch Peaks

As much of the U.S. hunkers down under a bitter arctic blast, we thought what better time to warm things up than by sharing our adventure north of the Arctic Circle. We visited Gates of the Arctic National Park in September when the ice hadn’t yet formed, and the grizzlies were busy packing on the pounds for winter.

Gates of the Arctic is the second largest national park in the US with no facilities, visitor centers, or campgrounds. In other words, our kind of place! There are no roads in this vast wilderness and the only way in is by air. The only trails are those the caribou make. And the spectacular mountains and vistas are as pristine as any place on earth. We are blown away by the rugged northern most mountains and the best lightshow on earth, the awe-inspiring Aurora Borealis. As always, Alaska throws us a few curve balls but what do you expect when you’re camping in a place as wild and remote as you can find in North America! Join us on top of the world!

#GatesOfTheArctic #NationalPark #MuskOxen #Caribou #Moose #GrizzlyBears #Arrigetch Peaks #AuroraBorealis #NorthernLights #TopoftheWorld #NorthoftheArcticCircle #VastWilderness #FloatPlane #MostPristinePlaceonEarth #RemoteNature #Wilderness #Alaska #Travel #Outdoor #Landscape #Wildlife #Hiking #Camping #OutdoorActivities #Arctic #ScenicViews


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