Nature Music

Описание к видео Nature Music

Ancient cryptography

1900 BC: One of the first implementations of cryptography was found in the use of non-standard hieroglyphs carved into the wall of a tomb from the Old Kingdom of Egypt. - IBM

The Greek stadium was 606-75 ft., and if Eratosthenes used this he was obviously very much in error in his computation. On the other hand, Pliny in his “Naturalis Historia” claims that Eratosthenes made 40 stadia equal to the Egyptian schoinus, and if this be so, taking the schoinus as 12,000 royal cubits of 0-525 metres each, the length of the stadium was 516 o 73 ft. If we accept the account of Strabo that Eratosthenes measured the circumference of the earth as 252,000 stadia, the circumference would be 24,662 miles, and the polar diameter 7,850 miles-only 50 miles short of the true polar diameter. This is considered to be one of the first great triumphs of scientific calculation. - Nature


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