Biggest Container Ship 2023-12-15 EVER ATOP 長榮海運 長皇輪 l 4K DRONE l TAIPEI PORT

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長榮A級貨櫃船(英語:Evergreen A-class container ship)是三星重工、滬東中華造船以及江南造船為長榮海運建造的13艘貨櫃船系列,其最大載櫃量在23,992至24,004TEU之間。

Evergreen A-class container ship (English: Evergreen A-class container ship) is a series of 13 container ships built by Samsung Heavy Industries, Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding and Jiangnan Shipbuilding for Evergreen Shipping. Its maximum container capacity is between 23,992 and 24,004TEU.
[1] Ships will be delivered and put into operation in late July 2021. The A-class container ship built by Samsung Heavy Industries broke the 23,964 TEU held by the Hanyuan Algeciras-class container ship under Hyundai Merchant Shipping with 23,992 TEU The record for the largest container capacity. At the end of June 2022, the A-class container ship built by China State Shipbuilding Corporation broke the record of 23,992 TEU held by the same type of ship built by Samsung Heavy Industries with 24,004 TEU. The ship is now number 1 in the list of the largest container ships in the world.
Source: Wikipedia


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