Сяо Чжань и Ван Ибо воссоединятся в новом проекте?

Описание к видео Сяо Чжань и Ван Ибо воссоединятся в новом проекте?

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo Reunite in New Project?

Rumors that Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo will reunite in a new film project by the "box office king" have excited fans, making them jubilant as if attending a festival. So what is the truth behind these claims? Let's find out with the YouTube channel @ZZW_BSThao. By the way, let's also take a moment to admire some beautifully edited images of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo that netizens have put together. Remember, these are just edited photos, everyone.

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