陈卓璇 Chen Zhuoxuan - 咫 Zhi | 动态歌词 Lyrics Chinese/Pinyin/English (CC) | 镜·双城 "Mirror: Twin Cities" OST

Описание к видео 陈卓璇 Chen Zhuoxuan - 咫 Zhi | 动态歌词 Lyrics Chinese/Pinyin/English (CC) | 镜·双城 "Mirror: Twin Cities" OST

咫 (Zhi), a length unit in Ancient China, is equal to 20.73 cm or 8.16 inches. There is a idiom in China, “咫尺天涯", which means "Inches away, yet light years apart". The song title uses only one word "咫" from this idiom "咫尺天涯", but expresses the same meaning, "Inches away, yet light years apart".

动画《镜·双城》片尾曲 | Postlude song for the Anime "Mirror: Twin Cities"
QQ音乐 | QQ Music: https://c.y.qq.com/base/fcgi-bin/u?__...
酷狗音乐 | Kugou Music: https://m.kugou.com/share/?chain=2Oy0...
酷我音乐 | Kuwo Music: http://m.kuwo.cn/newh5app/play_detail...

演唱 Singer: 硬糖少女303陈卓璇 BonBon Girls 303 - Chen Zhuoxuan
作词 Lyricist: 刘恩汛 Liu Enxun / 曾聪 Zeng Cong
作曲 Composer: Oliver Kim金东炫/Ethan Jin陈民澔/Jason Lee李钟浩
编曲 Arranger: 姚书寰(姚头) Yao Shuhuan
制作人 Producer: 廖佑祥 Sean Liao
配唱制作 Vocal Producer: 廖佑祥 Sean Liao
配唱录音室 Vocal Production Studio: MusicBravo Studio, Beijing
人声录音 Recording Engineer: 阿游 A-You
弦乐 String orchestra: 国际首席爱乐乐团 Philharmonic Orchestra
弦乐乐团总监 String Orchestra Executive: 李朋 Li Peng
弦乐监棚 String Studio Supervisor: 姚书寰(姚头) Yao Shuhuan
弦乐录音师 String Recording Engineer: 王小四 Wang Xiaosi
弦乐录音棚 String Recording Studio: 北京金田录音棚 Beijing Jintian Studio
混音工程师 Mixing: Jaydos
混音录音室 Mixing Studio: Ammobox Productions
母带后期处理 Mastering Engineer: Jaydos
母带后期录音室 Mastering Studio: Ammobox Productions
制作公司 Production Company: 音乐霸 Music Bravo
监制 Executive Producer: 潇娘 Xiao Niang
运营策划 Planning&Operations: 张橙凌 Zhang Chengling
商务统筹 Business Manager: 袁依梦@TME制作家 Yuan Yimeng
OP: Oasis Tree Inc.
SP: TME(制作家工作室)
出品 Publishing Company: TME(制作家工作室)/腾讯动漫 Tencent Animation

云荒千万里 咫尺的聚散
尘封半生 惶然之间重现 情如恍
日月逐潮汐 颠沛回首着 过往
执着所爱 要何时 才被原谅

啊 天涯摇晃
眸中倒影 梦难成双

含着泪记住 铭心的刻骨
相逢又别离 多无助
悲欢缠绕里 轮回着荼毒
流离 往心的彼岸 爱恨共渡

啊 镜花纷飞
隔绝天地 月光照人归

情话似深海 奔涌在内心
那一吻天荒 怎忘记
命运白塔里 恩怨未放晴
到底 心痛将你我 封印

青山遮云暮 烟雨惹泪目
冥灵 难应
流年的始末 流转着痛楚
哪里 万物共白首 方能同赴

The clouds float over the endless sky, we shared a near, yet far away encounter
Our affections flash with sudden pulses, through eons of sealed memories
The sun and moon pursue the tides, as we glance back through the wandering time
When shall our undying love be forgiven?

Ah~ The heavens tremble
Your shadow lives vividly in my eyes, yet we fail to unite in fading dreams

I remember the deep carved love, with boiling tears in my eyes
We converge then drift apart, helpless as it was
Only pains and sufferings reincarnate from the entangled joy and despair
As we drift toward the shores of desiring hearts, ferried with love and hatred

Ah~ The flowers swirl through the mirror
They conceal heaven and earth, only the moon pierces through as our guiding light

Our intimate words run deep as the ocean, for they torrent in our heart
We dare not forget that kiss, one that lingered through the test of time
In the pale tower of destiny, kindness and resentment intertwines for eternity
Through excruciating agony our fate was sealed away

The mountains shade over the cloud screen, the misty rain twirls in our eyes
Prayers fall on deaf ears as our stories fall silent
Endless suffering torments the streams of time
When all fade away through the dying light, shall we be together at last

QQ音乐 | QQ Music(2022年1月3日)
背景图片/Picture: BONBONGIRLS 303(2021年9月19日)
   • [BONBON GIRLS] 《秋天前》Official Music Video  
视频制作 | Video editing by Cherry
字幕制作&翻译 | Translation & subtitling by Pogosreload & Pablo_de_Cuma

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璇学日记 | Zhuoxuan’s Vlogs:    • 璇学日记 Chen Zhuoxuan’s Vlogs  

🌪️More about Chen Zhuoxuan:
Facebook Fan Page:   / chenzhuoxuan813  
Chen Zhuoxuan's Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/2577495072
Chen Zhuoxuan's Instagram:   / zhuoxuan_chan  

#陈卓璇 #ChenZhuoxuan


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