Brian Rosenthal roles ranked by how bi I am

Описание к видео Brian Rosenthal roles ranked by how bi I am

It took me way too long to think to do this. Then I kept promising to post it while I wasn’t editing it because I waited for Wayward Guide. Like the Joey one, I only used my favourite TCB sketches / ones where the character was named.
AVPSY Seamus is included because I am his age.
Yes I have a thing for Brian in drag and yes I count Joey’s Heart as a role because he does it so perfectly. Southern hospitality technically is just Brian but he’s pretty okay.
I haven’t had enough time to think about where I would put young Scrooge but his voice on the album sure is attractive.

Captain’s Vlog:    • Captain's Vlog Extended (Captain's Cut)  
Solve It Squad:    • The Solve It Squad (One-Act Play)  
Spies Are Forever:    • Spies Are Forever (Full Length Musical)  
Scientist Living Among Wizards:    • Scientist Living Among Wizards  
A Very Potter Sequel:    • A Very Potter Sequel  
Darn Tootin:    • Darn Tootin' SHORT FILM  
Ex Vloggers:    • ex-Vloggers Series  
Put Ma on the Phone:    • Put Ma On The Phone!  
A Very Potter Senior Year:    • A Very Potter Senior Year  
Flop Stoppers:    • Flop Stoppers: A Musical Short Film  
American Whoopee:    • American Whoopee  
Listen to Your Heart:    • Видео  
Southern Hospitality:    • Southern Hospitality  
A Very Potter Musical:    • A Very Potter Musical  



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