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We like living in the provinces because the pace is slow.
Today Boria and mom went for a little walk around the neighborhood. I decided to stay home and tend the plants.
A local carabao, looking at them curiously. They wanted to pet him, but who knows what he has in mind? These animals are often very friendly, but I had a case where the carabao chased me when I was a child.
They walked on and turned down a small street. There is a lot of bamboo growing along the road. Bamboo grows very fast, like a weed, and you have to be careful if you plant it on your property.
They came to an unusual village. Lots of houses with roofs, but no people in sight. It's very quiet and only birdsong can be heard. It turned out to be a cemetery. When there is not enough space in the ground Filipinos build family tombs. Sometimes they grow several stories high.
The road led them to the sea, but there is no beach. There are mangroves growing along the shore. There is only a narrow path where fishermen take their boats out at high tide.
On the way home, they stopped to watch Filipinos make concrete hollow blocks.
A mixture of cement, sand, and gravel is poured into a metal mold and lightly tamped.
In a few seconds, a new block appears.
These blocks are the main building material in the Philippines. They do not need sophisticated or expensive equipment to make them. Even the cement mix is mixed by hand in this mini-factory.

A sawmill works nearby. The guys cut the boards on a large circular saw.
In the Philippines, mainly tropical hardwoods grow: acacia falcata, mahagony, jamelina.
But the most accessible wood here is coconut. Coconut palms have no annual rings, core or branches, so there are no knots. Coconut is used not only for construction, but also for making furniture.

The next day Ben took Boria to his friend Oskar. He has a small fish farm in his backyard and he agreed to show it to him.
Oskar only started this business four months ago.
He has built small pools in the backyard under a shed. The fish that spawn, the fingerlings or baby fish, and the adult fish live separately.
Now only two species of fish are raised here - colored tilapia and catfish. There are about 2,000 of them. Oskar expects to harvest at least 800 kilograms.
All underwater inhabitants need oxygen. In natural bodies of water, algae and other plants saturate the water with oxygen. At a fish farm, the plants are replaced by an air pump. Just like in a home aquarium, only bigger.
They feed the fish special food in the form of pellets.
Mila and Ben treated us to bananas and banana blossom. I am very happy. In the Philippines, banana blossoms are also edible. We will make lumpia out of them.
The banana blossom is also called a banana heart.
First you have to remove the outer tough petals. They are too fibrous.
The rows of yellow inflorescences are also edible, but in each of these florets you need to remove the matchstick-like pistil. This work is long and painstaking.
I cut the banana florets into small pieces, and washed them several times. We will also need garlic, onions and meat. We will use chicken breast.
The onion, garlic and meat need to be fried in a pan. Then put the banana blossom, season with salt and pepper and continue to braise until they are soft.
After that, they need to cool down a bit, and then wrap them in spring roll wrapper.
Now our lumpia needs to be fried, in hot oil.
Boria often told that he is very lucky to have me as his wife. Most Filipinas are great wives. I often surprise them with Filipino dishes, they love Filipino foods. The neighbor's dogs won't let you lie. Now they are always at our door when I am cooking.

In the evening we went to the beach. The sea air improves mood and reduces depression. Negatively charged hydrogen ions help absorb oxygen and balance serotonin levels in the brain.
Boria envies me, I can be in the sun for a long time and not get red as a tomato. He thinks a swarthy skin tone is very beautiful.
In the evening we had an interesting guest, a cute tokay gecko. Here we call it toko because it makes a loud clicking sound "toko, toko." This harmless little critter feeds on cockroaches, termites, mosquitoes and spiders.
Boria and I named him "Kuzya" like the little house pet from the Russian fairy tale. He can run on the walls and ceiling, too.
Mom is afraid of him and kicked him out of her room.
We said good night to our new friend. We hope he catches lots of mosquitoes tonight.


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