Learn Russian Verbs of motion.

Описание к видео Learn Russian Verbs of motion.

This video is about Russian verbs of motion. Let's start to understand this Russian grammar with Verbs of movement without prefixes. We will find out what groups these verbs are divided into in Russian and what meanings they have (movement in one direction, in different directions, repetitive action).
Let's look at examples of how transitive and intransitive verbs of movement behave in sentences.
Let's find out which prepositions are combined with verbs of movement. What prepositions should I use when answering the question WHERE?, and which ones when answering the question FROM WHERE?
And also, in this video we will learn idioms with verbs of movement. Do you think "there is nowhere else to go"? You're wrong! Watch the following video on the topic of Russian verbs of motion.
You can also get acquainted with my materials on the Yandex Zen channel https://zen.yandex.ru/id/622b7bcb08ab...


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