Louis Andriessen - Hout (performed by Hinge)

Описание к видео Louis Andriessen - Hout (performed by Hinge)

Hinge performing Louis Andriessen's "Hout" (1991).


Philipp Stäudlin, tenor saxophone
Keith Kirchoff, piano
Matt Sharrock, marimba
Dan VanHassel, electric guitar

Video: Scott Quade

"Hout (Wood) was written for Loos at the request of Dirk Simons. Although the whole work is in principle a strict canon, the successive voices are so close together that it is more like a unison melody with ramifications.

Ramifications and branches are the same word in Dutch. This especially refers to the branches of a tree, so the use of wooden instruments - marimba and woodblocks - help explain the title of the work."

Louis Andriessen


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