PACT at CliniKids

Описание к видео PACT at CliniKids

Families who live rurally, remotely, nationally, or overseas – or those who find getting to a clinic appointment challenging – can now access Paediatric Autism Communication Therapy (PACT) via telehealth at CliniKids.

PACT is an evidence-based program that works in partnership with caregivers of children with social-communication delays (primarily autistic children) to support their social communication skills.

Find out more about PACT - how it works, the time commitment, session structures and more – in this informative new video featuring CliniKids Senior Speech Pathologist and PACT trainer Sally Grauaug.

At CliniKids, PACT is available for children aged 2-8 years and families can access PACT via telehealth or face-to-face in our clinics. CliniKids also offers professional training for allied health workers.

To register your interest, phone 08 6319 1133 or email [email protected]


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