Celebrating Women's Month with Buhle Bendalo

Описание к видео Celebrating Women's Month with Buhle Bendalo

Women empowerment is about creating safe and equal spaces where women can thrive without fear or competition. It's about occupying these spaces gently and authentically, recognizing the unique challenges women face, and fostering an environment that's safe, comfortable, and progressive.

Empowerment also means staying true to yourself and speaking up about the issues that matter. It's about owning your space, embracing your healing, and expressing your creativity boldly and unapologetically. Today, women are loud, proud, and steadfast in their convictions, embodying the true essence of modern womanhood.

If I could choose any role in the world, I'd be a female flamingo, teaching and nurturing young minds, especially in the social sector. Teaching is something I try to incorporate into my daily life, sharing knowledge through my music and experiences.

To the young girls who look up to me, I say this: don’t aspire to be like me. I’m flawed, I make mistakes, and I have my own struggles. In the public eye, we often hide our flaws and scars, presenting a filtered version of reality. Instead of following someone else’s path, create your own journey. Draw inspiration where you can, but remember that each of us has our own unique story. Don't strive to be like anyone else—just be the best version of yourself.


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