সাড়ে তিনশ টাকা ধান হইয়াছে বাংলাতে | Alkap Gaan | ALIM RAZI | EP 59

Описание к видео সাড়ে তিনশ টাকা ধান হইয়াছে বাংলাতে | Alkap Gaan | ALIM RAZI | EP 59

সাড়ে তিনশ টাকা ধান হইয়াছে বাংলাতে | Alkap Gaan | ALIM RAZI | EP 59
   • সাড়ে তিনশ টাকা ধান হইয়াছে বাংলাতে | A...  

I had taken this video on alkap gaan contemporal issue সাড়ে তিনশ টাকা ধান হইয়াছে বাংলাতে at Abbas Bazar, Kanshat under Chanpai Nowabganj district of Bangladesh. There I saw this street show which had no organizer. no money were there to arrange this performance. people gathered and enjoy that very much. and the artists of Alkap Gaan were also enjoy to perform on the audience. The content of this performance were very much contemporal. they inform the high price of rice, paddy and other as usual daily needs gone out of control to buy.
Alkap gaan, a territorial people execution in northern Bangladesh and a few pieces of West Bengal, India, is a composite exhibition including acting, moving, singing and recitation. An alkap gathering comprises of 10 to 12 artistes, drove by a sarkar or master. The gathering likewise incorporates a couple gayens or vocalists.
For the most part, the topics of the alkap are drawn from fanciful stories, especially the narrative of contemporal issue, some times religious like Radha and Krishna, while the subjects of the exchange identify with family connections. Through music-move exchange, the inside issues of a family are described in a light way in an alkap execution. That is the reason might be, chhokras - who dress as young ladies and move between the singing and acting, assume a significant job in alkap gaan. The gathering additionally incorporates a couple gayens or vocalists. they sing songs with dance. It is also called pancharas gaan.
the Bol-kata or Sora Gaan is the most interesting part in the whole alkap gaan performance. I especially make this episode on this bolkata or sora gaan. for viewers I made two different peformance in two different areas. So that viewers could understand the difference of the naturality of the city and remote areas performance of Alkap Gaan.
I hope this video will be very helpful to the Performing arts students and folk researchers for their documentation and information as well. Beside the theoretical lessons in the class room it is being considered to be an empirical lessons from the real field based performance in Bangladesh. I first meet them in 2005 at my PhD filed work at Abbas Bazar, Kanshat under Chapai Nobabganj District, Bangladesh.
Both male and female audiences enjoy this performance very well.
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Gears I use:
Camera :
Canon 80D with canon 10-22mm lens,
Microphone: RODE Video Mic-Go,
Joby Ball head Gorilla tripod,
Gopro Hero 5 BLACK, iPhone SE,
Canon 5D Mark III with 17-40L Lense, Samyang 35mm,

Editing software :
Filmora 8 (Licensed Version)

ASUS ROG-Windows 10 (Licensed Version)
ASUS VivoBook S- Windows 10 (Licensed Version)

Motorbike :
Yamaha Fazer 153cc V1
LS2 Helmate
Helmate wifi intercom Vmoto-6
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