DDT - Captain Kolesnikov / Капитан Колесников (Lyrics & English Subtitle)

Описание к видео DDT - Captain Kolesnikov / Капитан Колесников (Lyrics & English Subtitle)

Thanks to Sergey for some help on the English translation.

NOTE: I do not own anything except my channel logo in this video, all belong to the respected owners.

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Dmitri Romanovich Kolesnikov (1973-2000) — Russian officer-submariner, Lieutenant-Commander of the Naval Forces of the Russian Federation, in command of a turbine maintenance group of the movement control battalion (7th compartment of the Cruise-missle submarine) K-141 "Kursk"; deceased as part of the crew of the "Kursk", author of the note by Kolesnikov that was found in the 9th compartment of the lost ship.

K-141 Kursk (Russian: Атомная Подводная Лодка «Курск» (АПЛ «Курск»), transl. Atomnaya Podvodnaya Lodka "Kursk" (APL "Kursk"), meaning "Atomic-powered submarine Kursk") was an Oscar II-class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine of the Russian Navy. On 12 August 2000, K-141 Kursk was lost when it sank in the Barents Sea, killing all 118 personnel on board.


Кто о смерти скажет нам пару честных слов?
Жаль, нет чёрных ящиков у павших моряков.
Карандаш ломается, холодно, темно,
Капитан Колесников пишет нам письмо.

Нас осталось несколько на холодном дне;
Два отсека взорвана, да три ещё в огне.
Знаю, нет спасения, но если веришь – жди.
Ты найдёшь письмо моё на своей груди.

«Курск» могилой рваною дёрнулся, застыл,
На прощанье разрубил канаты ржавых жил.
Над водою пасмурно, чайки, корабли...
На земле подлодка спит, но как далёко до земли!

После о случившемся долго будут врать.
Расскажет ли комиссия, как трудно умирать?
Кто из нас ровесники, кто герой, кто чмо –
Капитан Колесников пишет нам письмо.

(Давай, Ваня)


English Translation:
Who can say even a few words of honesty about death?
Pity that no black boxes were on those fallen sailors.
The pencil breaks, it's dark and it's cold -
Captain Kolesnikov is writing us a letter.

Only few of us left at the bottom of the cold sea;
Two compartments blown, and three more are on fire.
I know there's no salvation, but if you hold faith - do wait.
One day you'll find my letter laying on your chest.

“Kursk” as if a tattered grace, twitched, then froze,
As a farewell cut off the cabled of it's rusted veins.
So cloudy over the sea, seagulls and the boats...
At the bottom sleeps the sub, but oh how far it is from shore!

Even years later, they'll keep telling more lies.
Will the navy panels ever tell, how hard is it to die?
Doesn't matter if you're a peer, a hero or just a schmuck -
Captain Kolesnikov is writing us a letter.

(Go on, Vanya)


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