All 3 Maps HARDCORE Mode Clears - Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Gameplay

Описание к видео All 3 Maps HARDCORE Mode Clears - Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Gameplay

This mode was quite the struggle!

Everything from the mob spawn locations, enemy types and the damage scaling is tilted against you. Optimizing items and playing to characters strengths is pretty much required. It also spawned so many ranged mobs I felt like I was playing frigging bullet-hells like Truxton or something.

And apologies for the last map run being cut short, I was actually just testing out a survivors combo and suddenly remembered like "Oh snap, I might just accidentally clear this?!" like 6-7 minutes in and started recording from there. Hopefully it shows enough of the builds and such I went for during the gameplay.

IF there's any cut in audio it might be from me tabbing out of the game while answering Discord messages. Sorry.

Enjoy if you enjoy!

00:00 - 16:23 - Map 1
16:23 - 31:03 - Map 2
31:03 - 35:08 - Map 3


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